No need to go into hiding: These research-proven strategies will protect you at the office, on planes, and in crowded malls
Itch mites come in contact with humans when they handle straw, hay, grass, leaves, and seeds that contain the mites. Bites from itch mites look like a rash, similar to the picture above, and will produce a strong desire to itch, which is the last thing you want to do! However, they...
a runny nose, congestion, sneezing and coughing. It is not always easy to differentiate between the cold and the flu, but the latter is usually more extreme and can have other symptoms such asfever and body aches.
Worms:If your Frenchie has worms, they will also vomit, have a bloated tummy, and a behavior change. You can examine their poop for whitish or yellowish worms. If you see one, take them to the vet to get dewormed. Why Is My French Bulldog So Big? Frenchies are a chubby breed who...
These probiotics for children reduce respiratory tract infections, diarrhea, colic, and even tooth decay. Find out where to get it and how to use it.
Here's what to try — and when and where to use it — to get through the holidays without sneezes, tummy aches, or flat-out-in-bed flu. AT HOME • Pop a vitamin D supplement at breakfast. In a Yale medical school study, adults with high blood levels of vitamin D (at least ...