Of all the root vegetables I grow, it is the potatoes that give me the biggest thrill at harvest time. I love to stick my hands in the soil and retrieve the buried bounty, with a yield of eight to ten potatoes for every one that I plant. ...
Cabbage is a heavy feeder; it quickly depletes the soil of nutrients and needs a steady supply of water and nutrients throughout its growth. Prepare the soil in advance by mixing in aged manure and/orcompost. Soil should also be well-draining: roots that stand in water cause heads to spl...
Cutting the seeds to the same size is a critical step in achieving planting uniformity. That way, the plants in the field will all grow to a similar size, allowing farmers to harvest more tubers per unit of land without sacrificing yield consistency. To keep rot-causing bacteria and fungus...
Once you see BER, it’s too late for affected tomatoes, but you can try to treat the plant for future tomatoes by using a foliar spray likeRot StoporCal Mag. Prevent virus and fungi With all the moisture involved in growing tomatoes as well as density of the leaves, there’s a lot o...
The pulverized eggs shells are important as well. They give a boost of calcium as they break down into the soil. And is calcium ever important to tomatoes! Blossom-end rot (black rot) is a direct result of plants not taking in enough calcium. Calcium also plays a huge role in the earl...
Learn how to grow Brussels Sprouts, a cool-weather crop that is planted in early spring, or mid- to late summer for a crop that matures in the fall with our Brussels Sprout Grow Guide.
leafy vegetables require the least direct sun at only four hours daily while root and fruiting vegetables (including tomatoes ) thrive with five to six hours or more per day of direct sun. Make sure your site is free from shadows cast by buildings or trees, keeping in mind seasonal differenc...
How to Grow Better Tomatoes By: Cynthia Sandberg Tomatoes are the number one edible plant people grow in their yards. Unfortunately, many people think you just plop a plant in the ground and with water it will grow. If you’re really lucky, and the planets and stars are in alignment, ...
When placing roots in the ground, it’s especially important to pay attention to depth. The crown of the plant, where the leaves originate, should sit just on top of the soil. Too deep and it will rot. Too high and it will dry out. It has to be just right, so think Goldilocks he...
A good indicator plant is tomatoes.Tomatoes need a lot of water. If you start to see them wilting, you will know that the garden needs some water. Don’t over-water either.If you do, you will rot your plants. If you aren’t sure if you need to water, stick your finger in the ...