You can now go ahead and type in the text you want to use for the second bullet point. Simply repeat these steps to add more items to the list. If you want to create a nested list, then click the ‘Indent’ button. This moves the cursor one step to the right, ready for yo...
Using MS Word 2003 on a Windows XP machine – I paste from a HTML document in a browser into a blank word document. There is Auto numbering that takes place. THese numbers/letters did not exist in the original document. Butr some letters and numbers did exist. Word is treating “CArriag...
, or zero (0) in a format code when rounding large numbers. Select cells for which you want to create custom formatting. Press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog box. In the Format Cells dialog box: Select Custom from the Category section. Use the following format code in the...
you could use a game simulator but the best options are usually photos of a real game or professionally designed graphic representations. Add labels or numbers to the different game parts (like card decks, meeples, containers, tiles, board...
Controlling the indenting around numbers Figure 2: You can set the indents to control your numbering in the Customize Outline Numbered List dialog. You also control the indents from the Customize Outline Numbered List. You can't control the indents by modifying the Paragraph format of the style....
There are multiple};lines. I'm curious how to delete the correct one only. Line numbers may vary each time this script is run. For example, I'd like to delete only the entire entry Code: zone "localhost" { type master; notify no; file "db.myzone"; }; zo...
" use multiple of shiftwidth when indenting with '<' and '>' set smarttab " insert tabs on the start of a line according to shiftwidth, not tabstop The prolific spaces vs. tags section is next up, and I’m firmly in the converting spaces to tabs camp, so my Vim configuration reflect...
Center:Center tabs align the text around the center of the tab stop. Right:Right tabs align text against the tab stop’s right edge and are a great way to align the rightmost digits of lengthy lists of numbers as you enter them.
Spyder (really, the IPython console) numbers all of the input lines that you type. Since this is the first input you’re typing, the line number is 1. In the rest of this article, you’ll see references to “input line X,” where X is the number in the square brackets. One of ...
Why even have a sku if you make it so difficult to use it!!! Now the work around is to add sku to description. So I now have to spend hours/days editing 500+ part numbers to add the sku to description ? If I had known QB online was so user un...