At that age they expect you to retire to a house in Florida and complain about your arthritis(关节炎) and you ask everybody to stop mumbling(咕哝) because you can’ understand them. (Actually your hearing is about 50% gone.) If you survive until you are 80 everybody is surprised that...
It involves mumbling weird words during sleep and might be difficult to control. Episodes of sleep talking are normal-most people experience them at least once in their lifetimes. It is also vital to note that these episodes can be short or long. As much as the treatments for this condition...
It was a trick I first pulled when I was still at school: we’d forgotten a microphone for a charity gig I’d organised, and – much to the amusement of a local personality radio DJ who I’d booked as our guest – we had to conduct the entire gig mumbling into an old pair of...
Numberone: It'sokaytofeelfakeatfirst.第一:一开始感觉假是正常的。Here'sthething, whenyou'relearninganewsoundyou'reusingdifferentmuscles.事情是这样的,当你学习一个新的声音时,你会使用不同的肌肉。You'redoingthingsthatyou'renotusedtodoing.你在做你不习惯做的事情。Consideringyoudon'thavethesoundin...
Being 70 is not fun at all. At that age they expect you to retire to a house in Florida and complain about your arthritis(关节炎) and you ask everybody to stop mumbling(咕哝) because you can’ understand them. (Actually your hearing is about 50% gone.) ...
If you are asking your daughter to stop screeching, say “please”. You will soon find them repeating your example.( 一旦你的孩子会说话,就可以教他们适当的礼仪。“请”和“谢谢”是开始的步骤,也是最基本的,你的孩子可以从第一天就学会它们。 当你的儿子递给你一个玩具时,说:“谢谢。” 如果你想...
“Some older adults do not like to admit that they are hard of hearing or have trouble understanding the conversation around them. Remain calm and talk in a gentle, matter-of-fact way. Speak louder, if necessary, but do not shout. Make sure to enunciate clearly and avoid mumbling and ...
The discovered answer applies to any modality that involves any sort of repetitive activity and it applies to Ho’oponopono cleaning mantras as well. When person just mindlessly mumbling the Ho’oponopono cleaning mantras hundreds of times – this usually has almost zero effect. From my own expe...
The discovered answer applies to any modality that involves any sort of repetitive activity and it applies to Ho’oponopono cleaning mantras as well. When person just mindlessly mumbling the Ho’oponopono cleaning mantras hundreds of times – this usually has almost zero effect. From my own expe...
Mednick is also a fan of earplugs and eye masks to block out partner-related noise (snoring, sleep-mumbling) or light (from their reading or watching TV). Upgrading to a bigger bed may help too, if they kick or flop. If your partner takes offense at change, remind them that it ...