Most kids aren't great at washing their hands, but explain to them when it's important (after using the bathroom and before eating, for instance) and why. Even if you can't keep your child from picking their nose, encouraging them to keep their hands clean can help stop the spread of...
Baking Soda: Sprinkle full strength or make a paste with water then apply. Another option is to rinse with a strong baking soda/water solution. *Tea Bag (wet): Tannin from the tea is quite effective at soothing the pain, place a wet tea bag directly on lesion and leave for a few min...
Itch mites come in contact with humans when they handle straw, hay, grass, leaves, and seeds that contain the mites. Bites from itch mites look like a rash, similar to the picture above, and will produce a strong desire to itch, which is the last thing you want to do! However, they...
Try to avoid picking, poking, or peeling your broken skin as it scabs over and heals. The less you mess with it, the faster it will heal. Plus, letting it heal without opening it up again will probably lead to a smaller scar.[10] In general, you should avoid touching your face to...