The chance of a condom breaking is very low if you put it on the right way. Still, it can happen, and you want to be prepared to prevent pregnancy or an STD. After a condom breaks: Stop having sex. Withdraw, holding on to the bottom of the condom. ...
How to Cope With Food Allergies More A food allergy can negatively affect your health. It occurs when an individual is exposed to a particular food. The first time you eat the offending food, your immune system creates disease-fighting antibodies. When you eat the food again, your body treat...
Spring comes every year, and every year people across the world are bombarded with runny noses, red eyes, and uncontrollable sneezing. Spring allergies are more than just an inconvenience—they can completely derail your day and keep you from leaving your home. But you don’t have to hide in...
If your androgenic alopecia or hereditary pattern baldness is exacerbated by seasonal allergies, you may consider an optimal way to treating hair loss without having to put on topical medications. One of the most effective ways you can do that is via LLLT (low-level laser therapy). ...
And it’s not just about the parents, children with allergies can have a really tough time at school, unable to eat the same food or do the same things as their peers. So what can leaders and teachers do? 1. Do the research Having a child with allergies in your class or tutor ...
First aid is providing medical assistance to someone a sick or injured person. The type of first aid depends on their condition. Preparedness is key to first aid, like having basic medical emergency kits in your home, car, boat, or RV. Many minor injuries may require first aid, including ...
Treating Allergies To Stop Dog Chewing Paws If your dog is chewing due to an allergic reaction to a particular parasite, you’ll need to treat the infestation, as discussed above. The itch may take a while to die down once the parasites have been treated. For other allergies, the trick ...
Home remedies such as hypoallergenic bedding, air purifiers and keeping pets out of your bed will help to prevent respiratory allergies that are a key cause of drooling while asleep. For individual with neurological disorders that predisposes them to it, medical procedures on how to stop droolin...
So while "hypoallergenic" may be a fluff term, having a non-shedding breed is totally helpful for people that have allergies and want a dog, too. The American Kennel Club reports that many "less-allergenic breeds" do produce less dander. This, paired with the fact these dogs don't shed...
By adding moisture to the air, humidifiers can help to reduce this inflammation and congestion, which in turn may decrease the risk of snoring. Humidifiers can be especially helpful for people who live in dry environments. Additionally, people who suffer from allergies or respiratory illnesses, suc...