Watch out for the graffiti on the walls of Lupanar. It is said that they were drawn by both the prostitutes and their clients. Some graffiti form conversations and offer you a unique viewpoint of Pompeii ruins.House of the Faun This private villa is so large that it takes up an entire...
10 Must-See Architecture Documentaries and Series on Netflix Villa 13 House / Parthenios architects+associates Comiteco House / Marcos Franchini + Nattalia Bom Conselho VyTA Covent Garden Restaurant / Collidanielarchitetto Kalasatama Electricity Substation ...
After moving from New York to London in 2023, artistMadeleine Bialkefound herself drawn to the city’s trees. Whether looming large over a wrought-iron fence in Bedford Square or lashing spindly limbs in Epping Forest, they helped anchor her in the unfamiliar landscape. The experience has insp...
We chat about wind, a Delta One tattle-tale, disrespect in the NA beverage space, the politics of MySpace's "top 8," you guessed it; he also did graffiti, kitchens were a terrible place 25 years ago, what his nightmares are about, his DJ and club promoter career, restaurants as a ...
In contrast to that intriguing case, the last talk I attended was not very engaging, and bored, I contemplated the wooden writing tablet in front of me.The tablet is the shelf where you rest your notes. It was covered in graffiti incised into the surface with ballpoint pen; a jumble of...
‘X’ in red chalk. By 2pm. that day B must have responded with the confirmation signal. This could be a piece of coloured string wound round a fence near a bus stop. It could equally be a piece of blue chalk crushed into the pavement by the steps of a building or some graffiti ...
My concept of random thoughts on everything and nothing has become too random in this world where marketing is supreme. I need to FOCUS so it’s clear what my brand is. I can tell you, my brand is having no brand. I do most of my writing on a private site where I can work on ...
Finally, Zimbabwe shows just how hard it is to destroy a place completely. Mugabe has done virtually everything conceivable to ruin his country, but one finds signs of a redoubtable spirit everywhere. Graffiti has sprung up at city bus stops, reading, "Zvakwana!," or "It's enough!" Desp...
(Iringa, Tanzania; Nis, Serbia). After a short hiatus, Airbnb Experiences is back. Visitors can sign up for such personal excursions as a pasta-making class taught by a Roman family or a graffiti art tour that includes a man...
s under the freeway and then onto the bike path along the river. Nice place to run. It was desolate and there were bums sleeping under the bridges with fires in oil drums and thoughtful graffiti scrawled everywhere. My kneed started hurting after about 4 miles but I had to get back. ...