1. To stop Google from recording your voice and audio files in the future go tohttps://myactivity.google.com/myactivityand clickActivity controlsin the left menu. 2. FindVoice & Audio Activityandmove the slider-button to the left.
If all this makes you uneasy, you can delete the recordings already made byAlexaandGoogle Assistant— but of the two, only Google Assistant lets you pause the process so that your voice won’t be recorded in the first place. Here’s how to do it. Note: These steps assume you are usin...
To stop this, go to Google'sActivity Controlswebsite. Scroll to "Voice & Audio Activity" and toggle it off. You will see a warning that states Google devices may not understand you when you say "Hey Google," but we think it's old warning text. In our testing, commands still work. ...
Under "Hey Google & Voice Match," toggle off the switch next to "Hey Google."This will prevent the Assistant from activating with your voice commands. Additional Tips Check your default apps:Some apps might have permission to launch Google Assistant. You can review and adjust these permissions ...
According to the Google agreement, if you do not use Google Voice (no caller, no callee, no SMS, no voice mailbox) within 6 months, your number will be recovered by Google. Google may reclaim your Google Voice number (if you have one) if you have not placed or received calls, sent...
SelectHey Google & Voice Match. ToggleHey Googleoff. How to stop the side button from launching Assistant By default, pressing and holding the side button on a modern phone will launch Google Assistant. This may be annoying, especially if you don’t really want or need to use Assistant most...
If so, you’re not alone. No one likes to have to watch what they say just because they have their phone nearby. But, instead of leaving your phone in the yard just so you can have a private conversation, there’s something you can do to stop Google from saving your voice recordings...
Cut off contact.While it's important to stop talking with the scammer, don't let the person know you're on to them until you collect evidence of the crime — such as screenshots of conversations and information about the scammer’s account. ...
You can also report the Google Voice scammer to the authorities to prevent this from happing again. Read more about this topic My Google search history is not mine: Here’s why this happens Stop Google searches from appearing on other devices ...
Google may reclaim your Google Voice number (if you have one) if you have not placed or received calls, sent or received text messages for a period of 6 months. We will not reclaim numbers that have been ported in to Google Voice or made permanent. ...