0 When I have git log print out as oneline, how do I reverse it? 37 How to get Git log with short stat in one line? 4 How to make git log output that just shows date and hash on one line? 1 How can I make git log to show cherry-picked commits on the same line? 5 Git C...
The closest I have come to getting what I want is: git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=short --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) %C(bold green)%ad%C(reset)%d %C(white)%s%C(reset)' -20 with the only difference being that the branches/HEAD/tags are no...
before requesting a third-party business interface, you need to log in to the third-party system first, then you can use it in the interceptor First request the third-party login interface, after obtaining the credentials, put them in the header, the interceptor needs to implement the IReques...
and the popular version control system,Git. What About Back-End? Front-enddevelopment refers to theclient-side (how a web pagelooks). Back-enddevelopment refers to theserver-side (how a web pageworks). Front-end code is used to createstaticwebsites, where the purpose is to display the ...
Configure log rotation policy Debugging Disable all workers except one Memory analysis from core dumps Use mirror module to copy requests to another backend Dynamic debugging with echo module Performance Use "index" directive in the http block Avoid multiple "index" directives Use "$request_uri" to...
Step 1: Identify the commit to revert First we need to decide which commit we want to revert. We can do this by running thegit logcommand which will show a list of commits git log --online this will give you a list of recent commits that are in the git, from here you can choose...
If TeamCity is the only application using MySQL database then you can improve performance by settinginnodb_flush_log_at_trx_commitvariable to2or0: # If set to 1, InnoDB will flush (fsync) the transaction logs to the# disk at each commit, which offers full ACID behavior. If you are# wi...
The Git server (and many other services) requires PostgreSQL, hence the existence of a PostgreSQL jail. I run huginn for automation (RSS to Telegram, RSS to XMPP). My sister has her own blog, using WordPress, so that’s a Jail of its own. Same goes about my fiancée.Other Jail...
* Add initial ROS2 package files, Readme, License & Git configuration * Contributors: Roberto Zegers, Roberto Zegers R Note: The changelog is basically a list of commits. I you want to compare it with your log messages, have a look at the Git log history usinggit log –oneline: ...
Create a free account, log in to https://app.valohai.com/ , click Create new Project and give it a name. Next, connect to the git repository where your Python code awaits. Click Settings -> Repository from Valohai and type the URL: Then click Save . Remember that you can use your ...