HOW DO I STOP MY DRAINS FROM SMELLING? STEP 1: If the smell is coming from a sink that is rarely used, flush your drain to ensure your P-trap is filled with water. When filled, the P-trap can do its job, which is to create an airtight seal that prevents obnoxious sewer or septic...
Garbage disposals are an important part of any kitchen, helping to keep it clean and hygienic. However, like any other household appliance, they can experience problems from time to time. One of the most common issues is a clogged garbage disposal, which can cause the disposal to stop workin...
and find the motivation to start. I’ll include two helpful articles at the end of this post to get you started. Take an hour to read them, along with a few other recommended resources on our site—but don’t spend too much time...
Vacuum the mattress again. You’ll probably notice that your vacuum has filled with baking soda, so feel free to empty it before you begin the next step. For me, this was as easy as opening the vacuum’s chamber and dumping the baking soda in the garbage can; but you may find that ...
The dishwasher shares a drain with the kitchen sink. If you have agarbage disposal, run it before starting a cycle to ensure that the drain is clear. It’s smart to conserve electricity and water by running the dishwasher only when it’s full, but resist the temptation to pile dishes too...
If your little pal keeps returning to a location to do her business, it’s because she still smells the previous event and this will trigger her to repeat the behavior. You must remove all traces of the odor before she’ll stop.
It would be far more gratifying to expose Tebow as a fraud than to save thousands of people from burning to death. NO ONE DENIES THIS. HALFTIME! Shawn: I live in an apartment. Every time I throw eggs or sauce or old milk down the garbage chute I often wonder: What kind of disgusting...
Learn expert-approved garbage disposal cleaning tips, including how to use baking soda, vinegar and ice to eliminate smells and prevent clogging.
life. However, skunks are not only partial to insects; they will eat leaves, buds, grasses, grains, garbage, fruit or berries within reach, and even small game. They also may disturb your plants while digging for these grubs. This is what can make them a bit of a nuisance to ...
To stop bugs from entering your house, you need to control the entry points. During summer, you can add screens to your windows and large openings. Other ways include cleaning your foundation, avoiding clutter and storing trash properly. If you take these steps and are still having problems,...