Many of us havefelt uglyonce in our lives. Cringed in the mirror, fixated on perceived flaws, or wished for a smaller waistline, narrower nose, or taller stature. But why do we feel this way—and how can we stop it? Feeling Ugly Is Common—Too Common, Actually If beauty is in the ...
habits. For example, when you feel bored stop for a second and think about the message of this feeling. Is it because you feel your life is unproductive, or you would like to be doing something better with your free time? Once you’ve figured out why you’re bored you have some ...
Feeling overwhelmed.Write down your thoughts and ideas in anotebook.Then,organizethese items on paper. Remind yourself that not everything has to be done at once. Work on one thing at a time. Start with the easiest task first. Take your work step-by-step. Delegate work. Okay, so you ...
Butsometimes from even getting started. While at the same time draining your self-esteem, causingself-doubtand getting you stuck in a negative spiral where it can become harder and harder to start moving forward. So today I’d like to share 6 things that have helped me – and still helps...
“Those feelings are a signal: If you are envious of a neighbor getting a new car, what is that feeling?” Perhaps it’s rooted in a desire to earn more money or spend your money differently. Once you figure out the cause of the feeling, then you can address it and make changes in...
So if you learned that your nose looks ugly (even if it doesn’t), experiences, where your nose is of no consequence, is likely to eventually, after years, erase that learning. If you have anxiety about leaving the house, years of leaving the house without feeling the stress that accompa...
"But you've already told me that you like to see the best in others; yet you assume other people always look to see the worst in you!" He looked very thoughtful at this. Worrying that other people will think us stupid, ugly, pathetic, or un-cool is to do those people a disservice...
If you tend to hang out withpeople who swear a lot, you will also swear a lot. However, if you want to stop swearing, it may mean that you’ll need to make somehealthier choices infriendsin future. Like an alcoholic who can’t hang out at the bar with their other alcoholic friends...
How to stop being jealous of your partner's ex once and for all and overcome your jealousy so that you can be happy in your present together.
You want to have a bank of post ideas to turn to when you are not feeling creative. Related: What Should I Blog About: 10 Ways to Discover Your Perfect Niche Step 9: Promote Your Blog As a new blogger, it’s necessary to find a good balance between creating content and promoting ...