In some cases DataPump utility may get corrupted and we need to recreate DataPump utility to overcome internal corruption. To do this, run specified scripts for Oracle version that you are running as given below. In a RAC environment, run the scripts only on one instance. Note:Run the follow...
SQL> grant all on directory DIR1 to public; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant all on directory DIR2 to public; Grant succeeded. Now take export with parallel option: [oracle@localhost ~]$ expdp dumpfile=DIR1:test_%U.dmp,DIR2:test_%U.dmp logfile=test.log directory=DIR1 parallel=2 tables=raj...
The Oracle data pump is the improved version of imp/exp funtion in Oracle. With the data pump you can move data and metadata from one database to another. Oracle Data Pump can be used in 2 different ways: - A command-line function: impdp and expdp. ...
SQL> create directory PDB_EXPDIR as '/export/home/oracle'; Directory created. 4. Now run the EXPDP: $ expdpDBACLASS/DBACLASS@pre1dumpfile=dbaclass.dmp logfile=dbaclass.log directory=PDB_EXPDIR SCHEMAS=DBACLASS schemas=DBACLASS expdp DBACLASS/DBACLASS@pre1 dumpfile=dbaclass.dmp logfile=dba...
Job "SYS"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01" successfully completed at Wed Apr 24 00:58:54 2019 elapsed 0 00:00:23 [oracle@rac2 ~]$ 12. Add table to Replicat Note :Please use single quotes since OGG v12 uses ANSI SQL parameter by default, if you use double quotes then you may receive this...