But in some cases, the sweat glands become overactive and produce much more sweat than is needed to cool down the body. This type of abnormallyexcessive sweating is referred to as hyperhidrosis. Some people are more prone to sweating than others. Many things can influence how much you sweat...
One simple yet effective way tostopsweatingand prevent that heat-relatedgroinrash is to wear the right clothing. Synthetic fabrics like rayon and polyester are tightly woven and don’t allow adequate ventilation. While they can wick away moisture, they will retaingroin sweatodors. Use caution when...
In this article, we’ll look at hyperhidrosis from all sides. From hyperhidrosis symptoms to hyperhidrosis diagnosis to hyperhidrosis treatment, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about hyperhidrosis so you can recognize it and possibly learn how to stop excessive sweating. Excessive Sweating...
If you suffer from Palmar Hyperhidrosis [excessive hand sweating]. You might consider a sweating treatment callediontophoresis.3This treatment can reduce the amount of sweat produced in your hands by up to 81%. However, it’s often a “last resort” treatment due to the painful procedure and ...
a good understanding of all of your options is an excellent way to decide what action you need to take. Learning how to stopexcessive underarm sweatingas promptly as possible can be done as long as you are willing to try and experiment with different solutions, products and methods that ...
When to See a Healthcare Provider Certain conditions (e.g., thyroid disorders, infections) can cause excess sweating. See a healthcare provider if you are sweating and have the following symptoms:1 Fever Shortness of breath Chest pain
If you’re concerned about your health, you may shy away from antiperspirants that contain harsh chemicals in search of a more natural way to stop sweating. Despite your desire to be healthy, you also don’t want to scare people away with your sweat marks. So the question arises: How ...
Sweating is a stress response that helps cool your body down so you don’t overheat. However, stress sweat is when your body sweats due to a nerve-wracking, tense or exciting situation. It's not caused by exercise, a hot day, or a medical condition. Instead, it’s an automatic, evolu...
Adeodorantor antiperspirant can reduce the odor or visibility of sweat. “The goal of deodorant is to mask the ‘odor’ with a fragrance; the goal of an antiperspirant is to stop sweating,” says Onugha. “When you look closely at the ingredients, antiperspirants usually have a metal like...
Sweating is important -- it's a way for your body to regulate its temperature. When your body can't get rid of excess warmth, such as on a hot summer day or after exercise, it overheats. This can lead to febrile seizures (seizures brought on by fever or overheating) and even death...