"When I was in my early 20s, I threw a lot of house parties. One of my a--hole friends thought it would be funny to take an upper decker (took the lid off the toilet, and poop in the tank). I still don't know who did it." - Wes Wicker The Naked Cereal Eater Photo byElen...
Not sure where to start your noble zombie slaughter? Check out these great online zombie survival games and get your supplies ready—the fight for humanity is raging on. 5. DayZ If you're the top dog amongst your friends in gritty zombie survivors take on DayZ and give yourself a real ch...
HL: So the moral is, if someone has the courage to confront you with their grief, don’t act like they’ve just rubbed your face in a plate of dog food. And now you can never say another word because you’re such a bad person, and you realize that everything you ...
First off, get an actual sound or sounding set. It’s a far better idea to drop fifty to one hundred dollars on proper sounds than it is to go around the house finding thing that might fit in one’s urethra. I really am quite serious on this point. For every person who emails me ...
“Robbie, how do you do this without pissing people off?”Snippets.Here’s how to do it:Don’t use the same title when posting multiple times as this will look spammy. For example, if I was going to promote this blog post I might try the following –Tweeting the title: Pose a ...
s little vacation might be attributed to burnout if you’ve gotten a lot of writing done recently, in which case you might need a bonafide break. Pamper yourself by having some fun. Play with the dog or the kids, or turn up the music and dance around in your underwear. In the ...
i moved in with my dad after his second divorce. i still had my knife; i needed to have it. i went almost four years without cutting. i was helping my soon-to-be husband move into my mother’s house. i don’t know what set me off, but i needed my knife and couldn’t find ...
Another way to look at it is the tail wagging dog syndrome: About 1% (or less) of users are criminals intent on stealing data and money via the internet. Why should the 99% lose all their civil and humanitarian rights* as a sacrifice to “security”. (*by for example “volunteering”...
Toxic people will often use you, one way or another. The may complain to you all the time while you listen hopelessly (?), or they may constantly get you to get them out of trouble. This is where boundaries come in.Boundaries are reflections of what you are and are not willing to do...
to go to anyway. Sunday went to Sabino canyon with Mark, who does the chill master strut, he’s more interested in discussing the weirdities of life than just getting a good hike in. Lower sabino was cool, would be even more so if the reservoir had water. Stopped at Mark’s house ...