9 Ways You Can Beat Junk Food Cravings Create New Habits If every night when you sit down to watch television you find yourself in the kitchen rummaging through the cabinets to find a snack—stop watching television at night until you break your habit or try watching it in a different room...
4. Indulge in Your Craving at Specific Times, like Holidays or Special Events A special event like a holiday, birthday, or other celebration might be a great time to strategically eat a fattening food you’ve been craving for some time. There was once a time last winter where I was almos...
Before a craving hits, it is very important to ensure that we are putting enough fuel in our body. Staying away from caffeine, drinking plenty of water, and having enough sleep can help curb our food cravings. When a craving strikes, try to take control of our own actions and thoughts. ...
How to stop eating late at night may seem like a simple problem, but if you’re having trouble doing it consistently, then it might be that your eating habits are deeply ingrained and hard to shake. Besides, late-night eating can seriously mess with your health in the long run. So maki...
(It’s worth saying at this point that no food is bad, and no food should be banned. We say if you’re craving a cookie, eat one, but in a mindful way.) Step 2: Identify the emotion that’s leading you to eat When you feel the urge to turn to your comfort food, ask yourself...
Let yourself get 7-8 hours of sleep each nightby heading to bed at least an hour earlier than normal. When you notice the beginnings of a craving, pause and tune inward. That 3:00 p.m. cookie may briefly distract you from uncomfortable feelings but they’ll swoop back in with the las...
The article discusses food cravings. Topics covered include foods commonly craved such as chocolate, differences in cravings between men and women, a growing belief among researchers that cravings don't reflect a nutritional deficit, brain research related to cravings, and behavior such as exercise ...
I have actually tamed the "sugar craving beast" in me! This program has changed the way I think about the processed baked goods. I feel so empowered to have conquered the Sugar demon that now I can tell everyone about it! I am so happy to have discovered this program and this way of...
“If there’s a certain food in front of you — say, a salad — if you’re hungry, you’re going to eat it,” Sinan explains. “If you have a craving, chances are you might not want to eat the salad, and actually just eat what you’re craving instead.” Asking yourself, “...
Sugar addiction and food addiction may be the same thing, or at least related. But overcoming sugar addiction is much like quitting smoking or alcohol; however, cutting back slowly and incrementally can work effectively with sugar addition. It’s possible to break sugar addiction, but for many ...