If you scratch a mosquito bite, it can become infected. One sign that a bite is infected is redness around the bite, especially if you notice the redness spreading. An infected bite might also feel warm to the touch. The infection, also known as cellulitis, happens when bacteria from your...
Red heat rash (miliaria rubra) is the most common form of this skin condition. This type is also called "prickly heat" because of its intense itching and burning symptoms. The sweat glands are blocked and the inflammation causes a red color to the rash known as "rubra" (hence the name ...
* antihistamines (an-tie-HIS-tuh-meens) are drugs used to combat allergic reactions and itching. Are There Complications? The most common complication of chicken pox is cellulitis (sel-yoo-LYE-tis), an infection of the skin caused by bacteria, such as streptococci (strep-tuh-KAH-kye...
Itching or burning can precede by an hour or two the development of small, closely grouped blisters on a red base. These then produce shallow ulcers, on the glans or shaft of the penis in men and on the labia, vagina or cervix in women. Recurrences can cause distressingly painful symptoms...
The follicular occlusion syndrome refers to: Hidradenitis suppurativa (acne inversa) Acne conglobata (a severe form of nodulocystic acne) Dissecting cellulitis (perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens) Pilonidal sinus. Treatment of the acne variants may include topical therapy as well as lon...
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good idea. It is now past midnight, my arm is severely swollen, hot to the touch, and the pain in my shoulder is pretty bad, despite taking a pain reliever a couple hours ago. I really hope I haven't developed cellulitis. If it's worse in the morning, I'll have to go the ER....
When you have dry, itchy hands and feet, you may be at a higher risk of getting a superficial superficial skin infection, also known as cellulitis.[9] If you notice any of the following symptoms, call your doctor right away:[10] Redness Swelling Pain and/or tenderness Skin that feels ...