There are a few reasons why this might be happening. First, if you have a male cat, he's going to have an urge to get out of the house and mate with a female cat in heat. This is especially if he's not neutered. Unaltered male cats usually spend more time outside and are more...
Cats instinctively sniff to seek information about other cats and environments. Scent-based communication is the primary way that cats understand one another. The cat-to-cat butt sniff can tell a cat information about the age and sex of the other cat, if the cat is in heat, what their ove...
Stop and breathe. Rinse the cat pee stain on your clothes with cold water and blot with towels, just like you would the floor or a piece of furniture. Remember to blot, do not scrub. Throw soiled clothes into a bucket with a ½ cup of oxygen bleach (not chlorine bleach!) for 2-...
Breed: not a breed cat Age: 3-6 months Hi, I recived a new male cat and I would like to know if exist a "tablett" or something to prevent "heat". I don't want to caste him actually. Thank you, Chantal Dr. Marie replied: ...
Checking the fabric labels on your clothing, washing your clothes in cold water, drying on low heat settings and air drying are all ways to help prevent fabric from shrinking. If you’ve ever removed your favorite shirt or pair of pants from the dryer and found out that it’s now cat-...
xDting创建的收藏夹猫咪内容:如何安抚发情期的小母猫 _ How to handle a cat in heat!,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
It's easy to overheat when you're covered in fur. Here's how to keep pets cool in the heat and some dangerous signs of overheating.
It's easy to overheat in the summer — especially when you're covered in fur. Although you may know the signs of heat stroke in people, did you know that your pets can be vulnerable too? Even the healthiest dog breeds can be susceptible to overheating on a walk or in the dog park....
Sometimes a seemingly friendly dog or cat can bite or scratch. If you or your child gets a bite, follow these steps to treat the wound: Hold a towel or gauze to the area to stop the bleeding. Clean the wound with soap and water. ...
How to cook whitefish, white bass, and tuna for cats When cooking fish for cats, don't fry it or coat it in oil. Added fats can cause intestinal upset to your cat. Instead, bake the fish and carefully remove all bones before serving it. Fish bones are a choking hazard. ...