HOW TO TRIGGER THE DOWNSWING - GOLF TIP >> Getting the club to the top of your backswing in solid position requires properly timing the movements of multiple parts.Coordinating it all into an efficient, powerful downswing begins with a single, simple act
They have to do some work, but at the top what I see more often than not is guys who have their hands in such a rigid, tight fashion that the club is the first thing that starts the downswing, instead of the lower body and core. When that happens, they don't get a little bit ...
If you have made a nice backswing, the downswing is all about unwinding into a balanced finish. From the top of your golf swing you should feel your weight shifts a little towards your front foot, before you unwind to face your target. You can see from the images of Tiger’s golf swin...
All of your major joints have roles to play in your golf swing, including your wrists. Indeed, your wrist positioning on the downswing is a key to generating power. If you don’t believe that, take a full swing off a practice tee without hinging your wrists and see how far the ball ...
Golf tip: How to initiate the downswing with the left hip bumping Check out the rest of our GolfMagic Send-A-Swing Series in our golf instruction section, and remember to keep sending us in your golf swings via email or on social media....
A second common consequence of a tight golf grip is less rotation of the forearms during the backswing and/or downswing. The result of poor forearm rotation can be hooks (too little rotation in the backswing), or slices (too little rotation during the downswing). ...
Kim Brown: Sounds like your hands are doing most of the work on the downswing. Try taking a bigger shoulder turn, uncoiling the body first on the downswing. Feel like your left arm stays the same length until after impact. and swing to a full finish. ...