almost in the same way that most people feel the need to eat. And once alcoholics start drinking, they are unable to stop. They develop atoleranceto alcohol, requiring more and more drinks to feel the same effects. When an alcoholic tries to cut down...
When Brett Kavanaugh was in the hot seat, I saw him asked over and over again about blacking out and not remembering what he might have done, but when Christine Blasey Ford was answering questions and couldn’t answer the simplest questions about the night of the assault, they didn’t poun...
Alcohol withdrawal occurs when individuals with a physical dependency on alcohol stop drinking. Physical withdrawal symptoms occur because long-time alcohol abuse causes neuro-adaptation in the brain – in other words, the brain and central nervous system have physiologically changed to become dependent ...
Out of roughly 12TEDMEDattendees he also taught, all but one beat Harry Houdini’s lifelong record of 3 minutes and 30 seconds. One woman held her breath for more than 5 minutes.Here is a photographof the session. I’m sitting in the vest, four people to the right of Roni Zeiger, MD...