以后,但凡不是最好的东西,都没法使你开心了。 6. Get to know yourpossessions. 好好了解你的财务。 Now that you own the best, it’s time tofocus onwhat you’ve got. 现在你已经拥有最好的东西了,是时候花精力了解它们了。 Learn all about the features of your new possessions. 了解你的新东西...
弄清楚你的特斯拉汽车的太阳能充电板,这很重要。 7.Acclimateto comfort. 习惯于舒适。 Eliminateevery discomfort from your life. 把一切不舒服的东西驱逐出你的生活。 Blame others when the world seems hard, and is notliving up toyour standards. 当感到世界充满艰难,总是达不到你的标准时,指责别人吧。
21 习惯的养成第六天英文阅读How to stop being rich and happy 21 2017-06 6 21天习惯的养成第五天,英文朗读~ 6 2017-06 7 21天习惯的养成第四天,Mark Zuckerberg Harvard Speech 31 2017-06 8 21天习惯的养成第三天Melinda Gates 5 2017-06 ...
8.Do we deserve to be happy? 9 2017-06 4 7.How to stop being rich and happy 7 2017-06 5 6.Obama on health care 8 2017-06 6 5.Mark Zuckerberg Harvard Speech 13 2017-06 7 4. Excerpt from commencement speech by Melinda Gates ...
How to stop being basic (如何摆脱平庸的人生): 1. Read(阅读) 2. Workout(锻炼) 3. Eat clean(吃健康食物) 4. Provide value(提供价值) 5. Crush your goals(实现目标) 6. Learn new skills(学习...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPPdWfoeGbs Perfectionism - Learn the secret reason why you're a perfectionist and how to start curing your perfectionism with a simple exercise. Download the Perfectio
HowtoStopBeingaPeople PleaserAsarecoveringpeoplepleaser,Ispentmuchofmylifekeepingothershappy.Breakingthishabitmeantsteppingonafewtoes.However,I'vebecomeahappierpersonasaresult.HerearesometipsIusedtostopbeingapeoplepleaser.Identifyyourpriorities.Takeamomenttothinkaboutwhyyouaretryingtolearnhowtostopbeingapeoplepleas...
It is a natural process of animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaurs, dodos etc.). There is no reason why people should try to stop this from happening. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience....
How to Stop Being Mean to People is a common struggle in today’s world. We live in an era where everyone seems to be walking around with a megaphone, amplifying emotions and opinions. Seriously, just scroll through social media for a bit, and you'll see a cascade of sarcasm, biting ...
People are more likely to feel envious of people in their own peer group versus mega-rich icons like Jeff Bezos or Oprah Winfrey, Hampton says. “Those feelings are a signal: If you are envious of a neighbor getting a new car, what is that feeling?” Perhaps it’s rooted in a desire...