It’s easy to feel jealous of someone’s public posts that showcase the highlights of their life without any of the behind-the-scenes struggle. “In all the time I’ve been doing [financial therapy], I’ve never met someone who felt like they had it all. We’re all dealing with som...
How to Stop Being Jealous of Your Partner’s Ex How to Deal with a Jealous Boyfriend Social Jealousy: When Your Friends are Flirting with Your Girlfriend Should You Try to Make Him Jealous How to Stop Being Jealous of Your Partner’s Ex Break-Ups How to Overcome a Painful Break-up Han...
HowtoStopBeingaPeople PleaserAsarecoveringpeoplepleaser,Ispentmuchofmylifekeepingothershappy.Breakingthishabitmeantsteppingonafewtoes.However,I'vebecomeahappierpersonasaresult.HerearesometipsIusedtostopbeingapeoplepleaser.Identifyyourpriorities.Takeamomenttothinkaboutwhyyouaretryingtolearnhowtostopbeingapeoplepleas...
Basically, accusing someone of being condescending or patronizing is a great way to silence that person so they stop making the accuser feel bad about their shortcomings. 7. Be aware of your audience. Sometimes we need to adjust our vocabularies, energies, and even volume to suit the people w...
Sometimes you may not even realize you’ve become a mean person until you’ll wake-up one day all alone without any of your friends. It’s always best to evaluate your behavior and the impact it may have on your relationships with other people. If you notice that something might not be...
But how can you change this behavior and stop being a people pleaser? This week I’d like to share 7 powerful insights and habits that have helped me with that. 1. Realize that with some people it isn’t about you and what you do (no matter what you do). ...
Be human, relax and become friends with others. 5 Accept opinions from others You need to accept the fact that you don’t know everything under the sun and there're always people who are more experienced and smarter than you when it comes to a certain area. You just have to be open...
Stop being critical of yourself. Most judgment and criticism come from feeling susceptible to judgment ourselves. If we feel insecure or self-conscious around a specific issue (weight, finances, parenting ability, anything) then sometimes we search hard to find someone who looks like they’re doin...
Instead of looking for women to help, save, rescue, I am now at peace with either being single, or being in a relationship with someone who has their act together. If you struggle with being single, if you’re not happy being single, if you cannot find happiness being on your own, ...
For example, considerstarting a new hobby, hanging out with friends, or doing something you are passionate about. 13. Focus more on the positive side of your partner When you begin to see thegood side of your partner, you will realize that they are not as bad as you think. This would...