this formula dissolves the toughest drain clogs, eliminates drain odors and helps prevent future clogs with regular use. This drain cleaner is safe to use to unclog bathtubs, show drains and other bathroom drains.
Continue reading to learn what can cause different drains in your home to clog or smell and how to fix smelly drains and keep them from smelling. WHY DOES MY BATHROOM SINK SMELL? There are a few possible reasons your bathroom sink smells. Luckily, cleaning a smelly drain in a bathroom sin...
If your toilet stinks, don’t panic – we’re here to tell you how to keep your toilet smelling fresh, and restore your bathroom to its former fragrant glory. Help – my toilet stinks like sewage! If your toilet or toilet water stinks, you’ll need to arm yourself with suitable sup...
Why does my bathroom always smell like pee? In many cases, a constant urine smell is likely due toa leaking seal, which is located under the toilet and seals the point between the toilet and the drain. Improper installation and general wear and tear can cause the seal to leak. ...
So, now that you know how to clean an acrylic tub, are you ready to enjoy a bathroom that’s both stunning and low-maintenance? Explore acrylic tub solutions from Bath Fitter for lasting beauty and hassle-free upkeep. Discover how we can help you create the bathroom of your dreams with ...
To use, put a cube down the disposal and run it. Not only will it stop a garbage disposal from smelling, but the ice will help sharpen the blades too, keeping your disposal efficient for longer. 8. Countertop appliances (Image credit: Tom Howley) Anything on our countertop is constantly ...
In a pinch, you can even use the shower steam to help relax wrinkles: simply hang your linen item in the bathroom while you take a hot shower. Conclusion In conclusion, while linen may have a reputation for being prone to wrinkles, it's clear that with extra care, you can keep your...
Poorly sealed showers and bathtubs:Running and splashing water can seep through cracks and gaps in your bathroom. Insufficient drying times in new buildings:Sometimes with new builds, not enough time is planned for the moisture to escape.
We had it pumped and then went through the Dept of Health to get approvals done. In July we had the tank pumped again and the drain lines replaced. About a month ago, I began smelling odors coming from the sink drain when I washed my hands. When water goes into the drain, the ...
Many things can cause your garbage disposal to stop running — from turning the appliance on without running water to dropping flat wear down the drain. In any case, when the motor is jammed, it can cause the garbage disposal to overheat and pop the reset button, also known as the overlo...