You are the only one that knows about it and the only one that can stop it-by putting a bullet in his head. The catch is that if you decide to go through with it you will be convicted of the murder of Americas favorite son, and any attempts you make to explain your situation make...
They cant control the internet its a beast the music sharing is never going to end the music industry just needs to get over it and fast cause DJs are starting to become super stars and eventually those old farts are gonna die. Papa Midnight 4:15 PM - 16 July, 2014 Quote: the ...
There are plenty of telltale signs that point to your baby having gas pain. Your baby has a gas pain if your baby: keeps burping farts a lot has a bloated tummy gets really fussy and cries a lot If your baby or newborn has gas, these are sure signs to check for. But if there ...
Protein farts is a term used to describe gas that is excessively smelly due to increasing the amount of protein in the diet. While there is limited research to suggest protein itself causes gas, people eating a protein-rich diet report an increase in the fart's smell. Protein powders, suppl...
Most people pass gas eight to 14 times a day, but even up to 25 times is normal, according to the NIDDK. More frequent farts, or ones that come with extreme abdominal discomfort or pain, may be due to an overgrowth of or change in the bacteria in your small intestine, or the gut-...
Most people pass gas eight to 14 times a day, but even up to 25 times is normal, according to the NIDDK. More frequent farts, or ones that come with extreme abdominal discomfort or pain, may be due to an overgrowth of or change in the bacteria in your small intestine, or the gut-...
289 2012 WEB #there is no possibility for communicating, no matter how much a good talk is really needed. How to stop this behavior? The 290 2012 BLOG #Romney gained, but I'm not certain by how much or how long that will last. He's back to flip ...
I sure wouldn’t. I love beer. REAL beer. And Budweiser (to me) is the equivalent of a bad generic soda. (And apparently, I’m not the only one who thinks so.) I’m curious — ladies — if you’d choose to buy a 12 pack of Bud the next time you were “taske...
After anal sex, you’ve opened yourself up to the joy of butt queefs. And no, they’re not farts, no matter what anyone says. Very simply, “a queef is a release of air,” says Dr. Jess. “It can sound like a fart, and it can happen during or after anal penetration because ai...
“Sitting down is a better option for men with prostate conditions or men who just can't stand up for a long time,” said Dr. Mills. “A lot of guys sit topee if they can't fully evacuate their bladder. ... The muscles engaged to hold in loud and embarrassing farts are also muscl...