anxiety, and depression are intended to be taken for less than 30 days; most, in fact, are based on the clinical use for less than 14 days. However, 90% of people using these medications spend weeks, months, and years; then add to these medications with alternates...
It is completely normal to experience exam anxiety. The best thing that you can do is look after yourself first. Your mental health is what matters the most. Planning and preparing are the best tools that you can have in your arsenal to help you combat th...
Learning to Accept ItIt's also important that you accept your anxiety rather than run away from it. Anxiety may cause you to have fears - but many people also fear anxiety, and that fear can actually make your anxiety works. Learn to talk about it openly, and don't try to hide when ...
A person with Panic Disorder gets tricked into holding her breath and fleeing the store (highway, theater, or other locale), rather than shifting to Belly Breathing. and staying there until the feelings pass. A person with Generalized Anxiety Disorder gets tricked into trying to stop the unwant...
We need to think of focus as something that can be learned rather than something that is innate to us.我们需要把专注看作是可以学习的东西,而不是我们与生俱来的东西。The way I think about this is: do I struggle to focus when it comes to playing video games?我的想法是:当我玩电子游戏时...
but completely innocuous. That’s right—there is nothing problematic, dangerous, or harmful in any way with having some anxious thoughts, feelings, or sensations. In fact, the physical sensations associated with this form of anxiety are meant to be unpleasant, in order to keep us alert and ...
students as nothing but anxiety-makers. Frankly speaking, everyone is worried and anxious before exams. Some students are so worried and anxious that theycan't fall asleep at night, which will lead to poor performance in the exams. This, in turn, makes them nervous even when the exams are...
The effects of anxiety can feel overwhelming, but support is at hand. Explore the best meditations for anxiety and our top tips to help you meditate through it.
Social Anxiety An upcoming presentation or family gathering could trigger sweat and the embarrassment that follows. You might be tempted to avoid stressful social situations like these altogether, but this isn’t an effective long-term solution. ...
Know when to seek professional help If you find yourself overthinking for weeks or months on end, it may be time to seek professional help, Serani said. You could have a mental disorder such as generalized anxiety disorder, she said. “Generalized anxiety is a very common experience, part...