However, anal itchiness is a common problem: It's known aspruritus ani, the technical term for irritation around the anus or "bum crack" that causes soreness and the desire to scratch.1 If you're experiencing an itchy butt, the first thing to know is that it's most likely a symptom ...
Despitemodern advances in anal cleansing, many people still use two-ply as their primary wiping material. TP can doserious damageto your b-hole if you have diarrhea, which causes you to poop anywhere from 3-10 times per day. Nonstop wiping with rough, coarse material irritates the sensitive...
I get millions of bumps, I get extremely itchy, it ends up being a bad experience all around. I know there has to be other people out there that have very similar situations and I’m hoping someone has a real solution so that I can be clean shaven. Since I haven’t figured out ...
that became an abscess within a few days. My skin under my arm was very itchy for about a week. I found the boil the next Sunday. It went from a boil the size of a lima bean to an abscess the size of a egg within a few days. I had to have outpatient surgery to remove the ...
I can’t deal with oversensitive people that aren’t adaptable and you always have to worry whether they are having a good time or are irked. So we took off in Mark’s VW, stopping at Denny’s then got the hell out of Dodge in Doo Wah. We wanted to stop at Yuma to run around...