The redstone setting is fairly straightforward. When in the Needs Redstone state the command block can only be activated with redstone. In the Always Active state, the command block will always be active even without a redstone signal. Fun Command Block Ideas Cookie Announcer This simple comman...
Redstone Power Source Copper bulbs themselves are a redstone power source. If you were to place aredstone comparatorso that it is reading the signal of the copper bulb, it will light up if the bulb is on. The signal will always be 15 no matter the oxidation of the bulb. If the bulb...
Redstone rocket to propel a satellite -- Explorer 1 -- into Earth's orbit. Explorer 1 carried instrumentation to detect cosmic rays and revealed, in an experiment led by James Van Allen of the University of Iowa, a much lower cosmic ray count than expected. This led to the discovery of...
You can then put some redstone dust under the observer leading to TNT Minecarts as they explode instantly unlike TNT. When a friend opens the chest, it sends a signal to the observer which makes the minecarts go boom! Not Helpful 0 Helpful 1 See more answers Ask a Question Submit ...