When faced with information overload such as this, it can be easy to let your guard down and fall for a phishing attack. Phishing is one of the largest security threats out there. They take many different forms and often resemble the types of communications you receive every day — ...
000 when their email is compromised and financial information lost, and 64% of organizations have experienced a phishing attack in the past year – it’s critical to be on alert for phishing
A phishing message will often try to make the request seem incredibly urgent, so you might not feel inclined to add an extra step by calling the sender to double-check. For example, an email might say that your account has been compromised and you need to reset your passwo...
Phishing emails often appear normal, but it’s easy to identify warning signs if you know where to look. Learn how to spot a possible phishing attack.
A perfect example of a phishing attack is getting an urgent email from a leading bank or credit card company, alerting you that there was a data breach and you need to secure your account, or it will get frozen. The attackers are banking on the chance that you have an account with that...
Email phishing scams can be hard to recognize especially with how sophisticated they have become. Follow these tips provided by Better Money Habits on how to spot email scams so you’re not a victim of phishing.
How does a phishing attack work? A phishing attack usually starts with an attacker sending out a mass email or message to potential victims. It will often look like it is from a legitimate source, such as awallet or cryptocurrency exchange. ...
Baffled by Man in the Middle, Brute Force, and other password attack names? Get a primer on what these are, how they work, and what you can do to protect your data.
Phishing prevention has become essential as more criminals turn towards online scams to steal your personal information. We’ve learned to dodge spam emails, but phishing emails can look deceivingly credible.
What Is the Difference Between Phishing and Spear Phishing? Spear phishing is a more precise type of attack than regular phishing. Namely, phishing casts a wide net by sending a general email to many recipients, hoping to draw in as many victims as possible. On the other hand, spear phishin...