Torches- lots of them, you will need them to see what you are doing and to prevent mobs from spawning near you; they can also be used as markers to show where you have been or where you are going Dirt- I find it handy to have a stack of dirt with you, I use it to get around...
Mob View: Look Through a Mob’s Eyes in Minecraft Another fun use of spectator mode is toexperience Minecraft from the perspective of the mobs. With spectator mode active, you can use your attack button on any mob to see the world from its viewpoint. It doesn’t allow you to control t...
The debuff only applies near melee range of the mob, which means the melee based group is preferred for Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom using a Weakauras is really helpful to alert you to who's web wrapped. Also, releasing tanks from web rap is your number one priority since I'll drop ...
The newly released expansion, Wrath of the Lich King Classic, brings a lot of new elements to players, one of which is a bit like the previous Burning Crusade. Specifically,the developers have added a lot of new dungeons in the new version of the game, and each dungeon has two ...
Other than items despawning, there is only one sure way of destroying items other than consuming them. And that is lava. Lava is one of the more dangerous things in Minecraft. If you get shot down by a Mob you can alwaysfind where you diedand return your items, but you know for cert...
The most difficult aspect of Scorsese's mob movie was reportedly de-aging the three leads, all played by actors in their 70s -- Scorsese regulars, Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, and Al Pacino. A camera rig allowed visual effects artists to de-age the stars without any digital markers or hel...
"One of them was working on a project that would eventually become Warcraft 3, but it wasn't obvious at the beginning that that was exactly the way it was going to go. The other team was working on a totally different project which didn't come to fruition and we decided to...