The psychological distress caused by an infestation can also not be understated, as the mere sight of cockroaches can lead to significant discomfort and stress for many people. Identify Your Roach Problem There are several species of cockroaches, each with distinct characteristics. German cockroaches...
Soap is no roach repellent. See more insect pictures. Dennie Cody/Getty Images No one wants to shoulder the blame when it comes to a cockroach infestation at home. Admitting that your house or apartment has roaches is like pinning a scarlet "R" on your chest for all to see. But ...
1. Make a Boric Acid Roach Bait Our first suggestion is to make your own roach bait using boric acid, sugar, and a bit of water. Mix them together to create a cookie-like dough which you will then place around the house. Place the boric acid “cookies” near kitchen appliances and op...
Leave out roach bait — but don't spray. While sanitation and housekeeping is key, you can also employ some other tools in your war on roaches. "Baits are the ideal option for homeowners to use, because they're simple to apply," Goldstein says. "You do not want to spray a pesticide...
A female cockroach mates and carries around the eggs or ootheca, which is pillow-shaped and has up to 48 eggs, depending on the species. The common types of cockroaches you’re likely to find in your house include: German cockroach (Blatella germanica) ...
First, the German cockroach has a larger number of eggs per capsule than the other species that infest structures. Second,it also has the shortest period to develop from hatching until sexual maturity; thus, populations of German cockroaches will build up faster than other species. These factors...
Advion gel is top-notch bait that can get rid of notoriously hardy German roaches in days when applied correctly. Apply a small drop in crevices or baseboards where you notice roach activity and let the bait do its thing. It doesn't have a strong scent either, and each syringe lasts up...
It can be very hard to get rid of a cockroach infestation. Smashing each individual roach seems like an insurmountable task—or an inhumane one—and you may want a way to tackle the problem without getting your hands dirty. A trap can be a great alternative to insect spray, and it's ch...
Spread the borax in a really thin layer so it's not very visible, or else the roaches will try to avoid it.[8] As the roaches walk through the borax, it will stick to their legs and spread throughout the roach colony. When a roach senses powder on its legs, it will use its ...