“To combat nighttime cough due to GERD, elevate your body at an incline to prevent the pooling of mucus, allowing for a more peaceful and less interrupted night's sleep,” she says. Other conditions that can cause coughing fits includeheartfailure and sleep apnea, Mathis says. ...
It’s normal for kids to cough from time to time, especially during the day when they’re running around outside. But some parents quickly discover that their children are more likely to cough at night when they’re lying down and trying to sleep. In the worst-case scenarios, coughing ca...
Set a date for quitting.If possible, plan to have a friend quit smokingwith you. It's best to pick a day within the next month. A date too far off in the future will give you a chance to procrastinate and postpone, while a date too soon may not allow you to make a plan for me...
If a cough is related to environmental irritants, it will worsen when exposed to the offending agent. If a person has an environmental allergy, the cough may improve when using allergy medications. If a person has a smoker's cough, it may improve if they stop smoking and worsen with incre...
Here Are Some Common Causes Of Coughing: Trying to stop coughing is the top reason why people go to see a doctor. Because the cough can happen for a number of reasons, you need to find out its cause to treat it correctly. Viruseshappen to be the most common cause. They can cause dry...
Coughing after running around, at night, or after exposure to cold (if it's asthma) Cough and a runny nose that has lasted for at least 10 days with no sign of improvement, and the cough tends to get worse at night (a sign of sinusitis) What to do: If you suspect the cough is...
coughing is a symptom Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: It is important to note that a cough could be an early indicator of you developing an illness, or it could be a sign that you have a disease to the nervous system, stomach, heart, or lungs. This is why it is important...
How to Stop Uncontrollable Coughing Coughingis a normal and healthy reflex. It helps your body clear your airways ofmucus, smoke, and other irritants, but constantcoughingcan take a toll. It may interrupt yoursleep, work, and activities, hurt your chest, and tire you out. When infected or...
We know how annoyinga constant coughcan be—it can keep you up at night, make you light-headed, and even cause the loss of bladder control. So, how can you stop constant coughing? The key is suppressing your cough. Read on to find out how to stop constant coughing, so you can get...
We know the virus can be passed from person to person in the air through sneezing, coughing and speaking, so allowing space between people will reduce the chance of breathing in the small liquid droplets that could potentially contain the virus. The 1 meter rule is just a mini...