Test for drainage:After you have dug the hole for planting and filling it with water. If it drains in several hours, the soil is adequate drainage. If not, you could consider the addition of some sand or other amendments in order to enhance drainage and avoid root rot. Making the effort...
When flower buds appear, cut the plants back low to the ground to stimulate new growth. In southern regions, Zones 9 and above, marjoram is a perennial and can be left in the ground. In northern areas, the herb is an annual and may be potted up at the end of the season and placed...
How to plant: Seeds can be started indoors and then transplanted, but it is more common to plant potted plants purchased from a nursery. Dig a hole twice the width of the pot and set the plant in. Make sure the crown of the plant rests just at or above the soil line. Backfill ...
Take care to avoid direct contact with foliage, apply granular fertilizer or pellets between plants in beds and containers, and in the aisles between the rows. Water in well. 3. Water After you have renovated your plants, continue to water right up until first frost. Provide one inch of su...
Clip off any runners and only maintain the original plants of day-neutrals and everbearers. Prune flowers from all plants the first year to stimulate fruit growth. Jacob Fox Growing Strawberries in Pots Because they tend to have small root systems, growing strawberries in containers is one ...
Geraniums that have spent the summer outdoors can be kept as houseplants, provided they get lots of sun. In northern climes, the sun may not be strong enough in late winter to stimulate buds on some varieties. Before the first fall frost, lift the plants and, using a sharp, clean knife...
Be sure to remove any suckers that are growing from the base of the tree. These should be removed as they can take away from the growth of the main branches. Pests and Diseases Leaf-feeding caterpillars, aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects can attack the plant. Root rot, powdery mildew...
To stimulate bloom, many authorities recommend setting them in a saucer of water once well established. Heat is important, too! WINTER CARE— In areas where they’re not winter-hardy, bring inside at frost. Dry and store right in the pot or in dry peat moss, coarse vermiculite, etc.,...
Grapefruits are easy to grow in warm summer regions. Get quick tips on which grapefruit varieties will grow well in your backyard.
Learn how to grow an orange tree in your home garden. Learn which orange tree is best for your garden. Get helpful orange growing tips.