If you have two spray bottles- one with hydrogen peroxide, and one with white vinegar – and spray each on your counter, then wipe, it actually sterilizes better than bleach. It is very safe. Billie November 18, 2015 at 7:54 PM Does the vinager and baking soda work if you have dir...
Using a variety of tools that I’ll delve into in the next section, you can filter or sterilize water from a variety of sources to produce clean drinking water without having to buy bottled water. This is what I have been doing for the last 10+ years, and as you’ll see, I’ve tr...
Use a nail brush or an old toothbrush to get under your fingernails. Do not use hand sanitizer! It doesn't do a thorough job of killing all the germs, and you do not want the queen licking the ingredients in hand sanitizer off the kittens, as it could make her sick. Hand washing ...
You can also use a cloth or an old toothbrush with soft bristles to gently clean the hamster. Again, make sure not to get water on or near the hamster's face. 4 Add unscented pet shampoo if necessary. If water alone will not remove the toxic or sticky substance, you can use a ...