The motivational sources that have helped others to stay motivated have the high potential to let you stay focused and motivated as well. Try to find a mentor or role models that are living the lifestyle you desire to create. Every one of them has established patterns that have the potential...
How to Stay Motivated, Zig Ziglar 50 Success Classics, Tom Butler-Bowden Attitude is Everything, Keith Harrel Eat that Frog, Brian Tracy It's Called Work for a Reason!, Larry Winget Success Mastery Academy, Brian Tracy Lucky or Smart, Bo Peabody 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader...
It is easier to become motivated about an activity when you are passionate about it. So ask yourself why you are passionate or dispassionate about an activity. One way to certainly get motivated is to find your passion in a particular activity. When you do, you can be motivated about it....
I am not going to allow myself not to perform well just because I don't feel well. I am bulletproof to the extent that a lot of things can be thrown at me, but it's about how much I am prepared to let them affect me —Ian Thorpe 46 How To Get Motivated Quotes Go to table o...
7. Find a fun way to do the work Make your work fun. If you work is not fun, you don’t have the motivation to do it, right? So make it fun. Why do you think that some people are willing to stay up late to play games but they can’t find the motivation to work?
Zig Ziglar has a great quote: People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. Zig Ziglar One of the reasons you want to write down and review your goals every day is because you want tokeep yourself motivated. ...
Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” All of the great achievers in this world have been goal setters. If you want to make real progress in your physical fitness, you will need to set goals. ...
I run groups where each member states a goal/task/project they want to work on and as a GROUP, we get things done. If you have ADD (like me), it’s important to find strategies like Derek’s (or mine) to help you get on and stay on track. : ) Reply Judi I’m having a...
rocks and look to God for the answers,” has helped me numerous times to seek new opportunities and believe. For Jerry, a personal relationship is the key for success in life. Thank you for your countless phone calls and text messages encouraging me to stay the course and trust in God....
Don't chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right people - the ones who really belong in your life - will come to you. And Stay. —Will Smith 114 Work hard in silence, let success be your noise. —Frank Ocean ...