Becoming mindful of your self-talk will also help you to stay grounded if you have anxiety. Have an empowering affirmation on hand to help your mind settle such as, “I am centered” or “I am safe and supported.” *** Learning how to ground yourself in any situation requires a little...
Feeling anxious and tightly strung can also be a product of stagnant, repressed energy. When not channeled properly (as in the practice ofsexual transmutation), our sexual energy can overload our bodies making it hard for us to stay grounded. Physicians in the Victorian era referred to this a...
Sexual energy is something to revere and consciously cultivate. You can’t just leave it to chance. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is meditate. I want to connect to myself, to every ounce of spiritual energy, heart energy, and erotic energy in me. I do this be...
We need to be rooted and grounded in the truth instead of wanting someone to make us feel good or think we need to be entertained all the time even from the pulpit. We need to “grow up” (v. 15)! Christian Maturity in How We Speak & Act We are to speak the truth in love (v...
STAYING GROUNDED WITH JO HOMAR After working in reinsurance for 20 years, Jo Homar started having vertigo. When she was trying to find a cure for her vertigo, she eventually saw a craniosacral therapist to find relief. The therapist told Jo that she was “‘seriously connected.’ I didn’...
The struggle will be hard — and always harder for people of color than for white people. At the same time, says Herring, “You can still give yourself permission to hold some hope.” Talkspace articles are written by experiencedmental health-wellness contributors; they are grounded in scientif...
Start with your own daily self-care. This can look different for each one of us, but the key is to do something for you and your own well-being every day. Ideally, you’re doing something that can help you feel more grounded in the present moment, as this should alsohelp you become...
It’s one of the best and most fulfilling ways to lead you to your true purpose in life. Stay Spiritually Connected Staying connected spiritually is something many of us overlook in our busy lives. Yet, keeping yourself grounded boosts your powers of optimism and self-assurance. You know ...
Advice: Stay grounded by taking your shoes off and putting your feet in the grass; even better, lie down on the grass without a blanket under you. Feel the earth beneath you. Get out in nature. Slow down and pay attention. Be mindful about what you are doing. Feel your feelings when...
or gaining “points” for being “woke” or “allies.” We do it, instead, with the understanding that the privileges conferred on white people by a racist system are ill-begotten, and that benefiting from others’ oppression is neither a morally acceptable nor spiritually healthy way to live...