#Server port server.port = 8888 #Git repo location spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri=E:\\devsetup\\gitworkspace\\spring-cloud\\config-git-repo #Verify any repository issue in service startup spring.cloud.config.server.git.cloneOnStart=true #Disable security of the Management endpoint managemen...
RABBITMQ_LOGS: This is the path where the RabbitMQ server’s Erlang log files are stored; this configuration cannot be overwritten on Windows. There are various other environment variables available for RabbitMQ, but we’re only interested in these, as they’re related to logs and log files...
server. Chapter 6, Communication Between Microservices, will describe the most important elements taking a part in an inter-service communication: HTTP clients and load balancers. You will learn how to use Spring RestTemplate, Ribbon, and Feign clients with or without service discovery. Chapter 7,...
./mvnw -DskipTests --also-make -pl zipkin-server clean install # Run the server java -jar ./zipkin-server/target/zipkin-server-*exec.jar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 启动:java -jar zipkin-server-**.jar 注意:zipkin不支持jdk1.6,在安装1.6的环境上启动zipkin,报错。 启动后访问地址,默认端口9411:http:/...
If you need to look even deeper into application performance, you can use open source distributed tracing tools such as Jaeger and Zipkin or commercial ones like Sematext Tracing. Linkedin is one of the big names that use ELK to monitor performance. Moreover, they integrated with Kafka to ...