Solaris Operating System - Version 10 to 10 1/13 U11 [Release 10.0]All PlatformsGoalOn headless systems, The Xsun(1) X server does not run by default because it cannot find any graphics devices. In such cases, the Xvfb(1) X server can be run instead. Selecting which X server to run...
I want to run headful browser in a docker container. So i use xvfb as a virtual display. I try to run a java playwright app as xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-num=0 java <...> But Chrome.launch JS method called from java constantly fails with timeout if headless set to ...
Wine is a tool for running Windows applications in a Linux environment, such as your VPS. Since configuring the Enshrouded dedicated server may require Windows-specific software, you need to install Wine on your server. Here are the steps: ...
If the Manager is installed from the DEB or RPM package, the process will automatically create the "awusb" Linux group (if it doesn't already exist). In order to have full access to the AnywhereUSB® Plus devices, Manager users must belong to this group. To add a user to the awusb...
SELinux configurationselinux --disabled# System timezonetimezone Asia/Chongqing# Install OS instead of upgradeinstall# X Window System configuration informationxconfig --defaultdesktop=GNOME --depth=32--resolution=1024x768 --startxonboot# Disk partitioning informationpart /boot --fstype="ext3"--...
We’ll take a look at how to use some of these commands later, but for now we’ll just install two dependencies. The first is ImageMagick, without whichcalibredbwon’t run; and the second isxvfbwhich we’ll use to runcalibredbin a virtual X display server – in order to sidestep iss...
> Xvfb :2 -screen 0 1024x768x24& > export DISPLAY=localhost:2.0 then run khtml2png2 > khtml2png2 --sw 200 --sh 150 example.png --sh and --sw indicates both scaled width and height To view the image in the browser copy those created screenshot to apache...
Start a screen session Start Xvfb process to provide a virtual display Xvfb :1 -screen 5 1024x768x8 & Add DISPLAY to the environment in the screen session export DISPLAY=:1.5 Start chromedriver (which will have the DISPLAY in its environment) chromedriver & Now any chromium-browser processes...
First it's important to understand what Docker actually does. A Docker "container" is a form of encapsulation which seems to be superficially similar to a virtual machine. Unlike a virtual machine, containers share the same Linux kernel as their host system. ...
{ checksum "pom.xml" }} # fallback to using the latest cache if no exact match is found - v1-dependencies- - run: mvn dependency:go-offline - run: name: Install latest version of ChromeDriver Sample command: | sudo wget -q -O -