In this guide, you'll learn the modern approach to worldbuilding using Milanote. Remember, the creative process is non-linear, so you may find yourself moving back and forth between the steps as you go. 1. Start by imagining the environment ...
So, now that you have a worldbuilding toolset, it’s time to put it to good use. Start by deciding how you’ll split your infinite word document into smaller chunks — this will be yourcategorytree! There are some general categories that you’ll need to organize your worldbuilding – for...
On World Anvil, categories serve two needs. They help you organize your private worldbuilding, and they also form the table of contents for your world in the View mode. Only categories you’ve chosen to make public will be visible to others, but all of your categories will be visible to ...
One of the most significant mistakes writers make is dumping exposition in the opening chapter. Starting with a lot of backstory or worldbuilding can be overwhelming for the reader and detract from the story's momentum. Instead, writers should focus on showing the story rather than telling it, ...
(and occasionally melodramatic) story beats to focus on as you work through this narrative-first adventure. But that doesn't mean there's never any time for a bit of fun on the side. As a matter of fact, you'll encounter a lot of optional content that just exists for worldbuilding ...
The truth is that worldbuilding is almost entirely unnecessary. And if you’re the sort of person who just wants to start running a game, that’s probably good news. It’s a whole bunch of work you don’t have to do. But if you’re one of those people who loves worldbuilding, you...
This is THE starter book for anyone looking to play their first game — and also the book seasoned players still rely on for rules, worldbuilding info, and more! The Monster Manual This book gives you the lowdown on every monster you might encounter, all of them fully illustrated!
How to start a novel: Make first lines, scenes and chapters raise questions. Build worlds via actions. Learn more on how to hook.
This June I held a presentation at the Forward Festival in Zurich about worldbuilding and Storytelling in VR. I used the dwarven Stonebeard family from our fantasy universe, to explain our approach of the 4WH's. This entry summarizes one of the technique
Like your genre, your setting can evolve as you write — you might end up refining someworldbuildingthat was murkier at first. Make sure all of these changes have been incorporated into your opening. Do the details introduced still make sense, given how the world of your story looks now?