The only launches I can rem are Cata-current, and id say DF was the 2nd worst only behind WoD. It took me 3 hours to get into the continent. Talent trees are overall a huge success imo. I also adore the crafting updates. Only about 16 hours in or so atm, but id say that i...
Honourable mention goes to the Broken Chore questline where at one stage you had to give Khadgar 2500 of whatever currency it was and you got back from him 2499 of it and then had to wait for another week for the "exciting" continuation of the story - Ion getting in early wit...
Once Dragonflight enters it's first drought is when we will start seeing whether the playerbase loves or hates the lack of grinds, and the ability to raidlog. Obviously barring the usual extremes on both sides who hate everything that isnt exactly what they want. The world revamp dream wi...