年8月,Y Combinator 的总裁山姆·阿尔特曼(Sam Altman)向人们分享了如何让初创企业获得成功的想法。章节:00:00:00 介绍00:00:11 一个好到能让人们向朋友推荐的产品00:00:53 易于理解00:01:13 市场呈指数增长00:02:00 真
“The best reason is you can’t not do it”——最好的理由就是你不能忍受自己不去做这件事。(Sam 补充说 Feel compelled by a particular problem, and starting a company is the best way to solve it,迫切需要解决一个问题,而创立公司是最好的办法,其实是一样的含义,而几乎一样的理由我在豌豆荚...
Just like running a business, creating the opportunity to work remotely isn’t an easy process. But the payoff, once you’re managing your business from a remote destination, makes an effort well worth it. In this post, I shared with you ways on how to run a startup company from ...
For example, his love of delicious alcoholic beverages and wine led him to start up Mimosa in 2014. This company utilizes a myriad of unique California white wine grapes mixed with many flavors to produce a drink that has rapidly spread in popularity over the years. And while Mike Rantissi ...
Shoulder some of the start-up expenses that may be needed to build your business, lease workspace, buy properties, hire workers, and to advertise. You generally don't have to pay back partners or business co-owners, other than sharing the ownership of the company with them, and sharing any...
How to Start a Startup第五讲「创业公司应该追求垄断」 Peter Thiel最近也是火了一把,他有太多的 title,比如Paypal的联合创始人,Facebook 最早期的投资者(50 万美元换来 Facebook 的 10.2% 的股份)等等。他对于初创公司的管理和投资有着非常深的研究,并且刚刚出版了 Zero to One 这本书。这次 YC 创业课第...
It can be confusing if you have never run your own business.Get yourself noticed.In order to make your business a success, you must ensure Ethat consumers know it exists. 20. For example, if you are running a local plumbing company, then delivering leaflets in your are a would be the ...
How to Start a Startup第三讲「创业中违反直觉的事」 本文为 YC 和 Stanford 联合推出的创业课系列第三讲。在第一讲课上,我们提到了“为什么要创业”和“创业四元素”的前两点 idea 和 product,第二讲课上 Sam Altman 给我们带来了四元素的后两点“Team”和“Execution”。
本文根据How to Start a Startup Lecture 1听译整理而成。 现今的媒体把创业描述成为一份非常光鲜、自由的工作,其中存在的误解,让不少人盲目地“为了创业而创业”。Dustin 根据自身经历及经验告诉我们,现实并非如此。 边开派对边工作? 实际上 CEO 的大部分时间都是在办公桌前度过的,他们或思考如何完善产品,或回...
类似三分钟电梯演讲,在短时间内能够清楚明白地表达你的想法。在google我经常听到讨论产品的一个问题是,what kind of problems are you trying to solve? 而后面又说好的idea 不一定一开始听起来就很好,所以这个平衡如何把握,也是很哲学的一点。 2. 谁迫切地需要这个产品?