Ember is a new companion available in ESO to anyone who purchased the High Isle Chapter. Here's how to unlock the magical Khajiit and increase your Rapport.
(trials). Personally I finished both Hel’ra Citadel and Aetherian Archives as a Vampire on myTemplarhealer, but only because my guild carried me. Last phase on the last boss inAAfor example is impossible to survive as a vampire, so you better hope your group can finish it without you....
Some sort of mission tie-in to the Thieves and Dark Brotherhood guilds to take out informants, agents, extortionists, competition, or targets of a Sacrament, etc. Rather than re-spawn these NPC's will have fear behavior where they will avoid the scene of a crime, and react to murder by...
Some sort of mission tie-in to the Thieves and Dark Brotherhood guilds to take out informants, agents, extortionists, competition, or targets of a Sacrament, etc. Rather than re-spawn these NPC's will have fear behavior where they will avoid the scene of a crime, and react to murder by...
Some sort of mission tie-in to the Thieves and Dark Brotherhood guilds to take out informants, agents, extortionists, competition, or targets of a Sacrament, etc. Rather than re-spawn these NPC's will have fear behavior where they will avoid the scene of a crime, and react to murder by...
Enough diversity and interaction to cover the gamut of potential alignments, giving both good and bad aligned characters a REASON to want to kill certain NPC's. Some sort of mission tie-in to the Thieves and Dark Brotherhood guilds to take out informants, agents, extortionists, competition,...
Enough diversity and interaction to cover the gamut of potential alignments, giving both good and bad aligned characters a REASON to want to kill certain NPC's. Some sort of mission tie-in to the Thieves and Dark Brotherhood guilds to take out informants, agents, extortionists, competition, ...