Let’s dive right in – to start the Shadowlands questline in WoW, follow the guide below: Players of both Horde and Alliance have to reach level 50 to start the quest leading to Shadowlands. A Chilling Summons quest should appear once you reach the required level. Visit Stormwind or Orgri...
Once that specific quest is completed on at least one character, players will have the opportunity to speak with Bolvar in Oribos to pick up “The First Move” quest and start the next chapter of theShadowlandscampaign. Skipping ahead to the Patch 9.1 quest line on alt characters ...
After you complete that chapter of the story, you’ll still have two more chapters to complete—Inevitable Confrontation and A Flame, Extinguished. While Inevitable Confrontation should be available immediately, A Flame, Extinguished questline will most likely roll out on May 9 when Aberrus, the ...
The history of World of Warcraft is vast and complex, and quest chains play a key role in the development of this epic narrative. Players can immerse themselves in exciting stories spanning the game's vast world. Each questline offers a unique perspective on the world of Azeroth. These quest...
* Death Knights are only available to all races if the Shadowlands expansion was pre-ordered Void Elf A race born of the void. Elves transfused with void energy that, with the help of Alleria Windrunner, learned to bend the power of the void to their will rather than the other way aroun...
in Zuldazar you will have to play through a small series of RP-driven quests.Talk to Princess Talanji to start the questline. Once you finish these quests a portal will be established within the Great Seal between Zuldazar and Orgrimmar, which you can use to travel freely between the two...
If you want to progress through the Kyrian Path of Ascension questline, you are going to encounter a rather tricky quest. The Humble Gatherer quest sounds simple enough, but due to some issues with the game, it can be difficult to complete. ...
Shadowlands' Torghast dungeon could change the MMO as we know it. Here's how to unlock one of World of Warcraft's best new faetures.
How to get Shadowlands pre-patch EXP buffs The overhauled leveling of theShadowlandspre-patch rendered a lot of older EXP buffs obsolete. Even Heirloom equipment, a common sight anywhere but the current expansion zone, has had its lucrative EXP bonuses turned off. But there’s still a way to...
How to get Shadowlands pre-patch EXP buffs The overhauled leveling of theShadowlandspre-patch rendered a lot of older EXP buffs obsolete. Even Heirloom equipment, a common sight anywhere but the current expansion zone, has had its lucrative EXP bonuses turned off. But there’s still a way to...