Open the Windows Services (services.msc). Look for below service name and click on start or stop at the left panel. Oracle<db_home_name>iSQL*Plus UNIX, Linux Go to ORACLE_HOME/bin directory and execute the following command, To start, isqlplusctl start To stop, isqlplusctl stop...
setoracle_home=C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server SET TNS_ADMIN=C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\NETWORK\ADMIN C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\BIN>sqlplus /nolog SQL> connect sys/irisassysdba Connected to an idle instance. SQL> startup ORACLE instance ...
$ lsnrctl start 3. Set the "ORACLE_SID" environment to the DB instance's SID which you want to start, for example $ export ORACLE_SID=PC855 4. Start sqlplus and start the DB instance $ sqlplus "/as sysdba" SQL> startup 5. If you want to stop the DB instance $ sqlplus "/as sy...
Wait, wait, wait. Before you do anything else: start SQL Developer, connect to your database, and load your PL/SQL object into the Procedure Editor (not the worksheet!) Ok, now we can start. Compile for Debug Don’t do this in production – it adds overhead for working with and exe...
oracle (phys-newyork-1)$sqlplus '/ as sysdba'SQL>alter database flashback on;Datbase altered. SQL>shutdown immediate;SQL>startup mount;ORACLE instance started. … Recover the standby database. oracle (phys-newyork-1)sqlplus '/ as sysdba'SQL>alter database recover managed standby database ...
phys-X#sqlplus "/ as sysdba"sql>grant connect, resource touseridentified bypasswd;sql>alter user oracle default tablespace system quota 1m on system;sql>grant select on v_$sysstat to oracle;sql>grant select on v_$archive_dest to oracle;sql>grant create session to oracle;sql>grant create ta...
[SQLPlus]( is an interactive tool that comes installed with every modern Oracle installation. SQLPlusallows you to go beyond the standard database queries with batches, scripts, and calculations beyond the normal scope of Oracle...
但是此命令释放资源极为缓慢,具体可以参考:Oracle中Kill session的研究. 为了更快速的释放资源,通常我们使用如下步骤来Kill进程: 1.首先在操作系统级kill进程 2.在数据库内部kill session 这样通常可以快速中止进程,释放资源。 今天就遇到这样一个案例,其他朋友在数据库里kill session,可是长时间仍无效果: ...
startup_timeASC; Output: Sqlplus: Sqldeveloper In above output is easy identify what SNAP_ID to use without keep trying and getting ORA-20200...
Path}/VoucherQuery.sql $startdate> ${basePath}/logs/QueryResult.$currentDate.log`; if ( $? == 0) { logger("Processing with the sqlplus is completed. For more details check ${basePath}/logs/QueryResult.$currentDate.log ", 0); } else { logger("Not able to fetch data from sqlplus...