Start researching colleges to find those that fit your preferences Once you have your list of ideal college characteristics, your next step is researching various colleges and checking out different college search engines and guidebooks—theCollege Search tool on CollegeXpressis a great place to s...
Naturally, you also want to ensure you’re doing well in your core classes, sokeep up your grades as best as you can—9th grade is when your grades really start to count in terms of what colleges will see, so don't goof off! Do your homework, take notes, study for all your tests...
even if you’re a high school senior (and if it makes you feel better, you likely don’t have to declare a major until your sophomore year in college). That said, if you have an idea, you may want to start researching colleges known ...
Most students end up applying to around5-8 colleges in total.Start out with three schools in the reach category, three in the likely category (two probable and one possible), and three in the safety category. Then, if you find that you're overwhelmed by theapplication feesor the supplement...
Kevin Ladd, Chief Operating Officer, agrees. “It’s almost never too early to begin the process of searching for scholarships,” he says. In fact, Ladd says that searching for scholarships and researching colleges are intertwined pursuits and can be cond...
A good way to start researching universities is to look at university league tables. You can look at university ratings in the Guardian, which allows you to filter institutions by subject. So if you’ve already decided which degree course you want to do, you can see which are the best uni...
Is it too late to apply for scholarships? in Scholarships chat_bubble_outline Where should I go if I have political aspirations? in Choosing a College chat_bubble_outline How do I start researching colleges? in Choosing a College chat_bubble_outline ...
students could inspire you to build your own research team. It might also be something more personal, such as researching the history of your family and the origin of your ancestors. Either way, develop a research question you’re trying to answer before you set out on a long-term journey...
The best way to avoid scrambling around and wasting time is to identify a realistic timeline and stick to it. Tips For Researching More Efficiently for High School Students As a high school student, conducting research may be overwhelming. Even college and graduate students can get swamped when ...
Is it too late to apply for scholarships? in Scholarships chat_bubble_outline Where should I go if I have political aspirations? in Choosing a College chat_bubble_outline How do I start researching colleges? in Choosing a College chat_bubble_outline ...