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Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board, Rajasthan Board, MP Board, Telangana Board etc ...
JEE Main result 2021 for August session is expected today late evening. NTA has already released the JEE Main final answer key and the registration for JEE Advanced 2021 will start from tomorrow i.e September 11. September 10, 2021 | 06:57 AMIST ...
new medical schools were commonly located in areas of workforce shortage; within the communities they were intended to serve; distributed across multiple campuses/cities/regions utilising various health service facilities for clinical training; co-located with...
Data Engineer: A data engineer is in charge of assembling data for computational or administrative use. The big data on which the data scientists work is assembled by the data engineers. The job of a data engineer is to design, build as well as integrate data from several resources in order...
How to check if an array contains a given value in Java? To give you some more idea of the problem, let's see an example first; suppose you have a String[] with values like so: public static final String[] names = new String[] {"Java","JEE","Scala","C++"}; Given the String...
Vedantu has provided motivational speeches for students about success in life. Please read the article to find out. 7. How do you start a success speech? You can start a success speech with an engaging introduction that grabs attention and sets a positive tone. You can start with a quote ...
Full Time, Work From Home Yes, a career as an editor (print) involves working on a fixed schedule. Individuals who opt for a career as an editor may work from early morning to late evening or from mid-noon to midnight. It depends on the functioning of the organisations. Editors working...
It was an amazing ride through the dark back-Phili streets and alleys to our hotel, our driver explaining to us the benefits of filtered water for both us and our dogs. Also, healthy Vitamix smoothies are a positive way to start the day and to count our blessings. ...
internet that suggest how to eat, sleep, and manage your stress during board exams, but in this post, I shall only discuss academic tips for preparing for board exams. I am taking class 10 Mathematics as a base subject here, but you can apply the same tricks to almost all your subjects...