首先可以过滤出非Running状态的podkubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep -iv Running,pod最常见的错误状态是CrashLoopBackOff,这表示着这个pod在启动之后恰好crashes了,kubernetes接着尝试再去启动这个pod,但是pod最终还是启动失败了。 Pod Crash 可能的原因 在Pull image的时候出现错误,错误的或者丢失了 secrets或...
How to Create Kubernetes Clusters Create a DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster with CPU and GPU nodes to start running containerized applications in the cloud. How to Connect to a DigitalOcean Kubernetes Cluster Connect to a Kubernetes cluster with kubectl, the official Kubernetes command-line tool. Ho...
Here, you look at some of the deployment options available to you to deploy these components.Pod deployment optionsThere are several options to manage the deployment of pods in a Kubernetes cluster when you're using kubectl. The options are:...
Kubernetes will then start the Pods on the new nodes. Check your Pod requests There's a chance the problem might be due to a misconfiguration or typo in the Pod's manifest. Make sure that if you define requests, they're set to the correct values. Remember: requests determine the minimum...
Kubernetes is an open source developed by Google for managing containerized applications. For deploying Odoo in Kubernetes, in local, we have to configure minikube and kubectl in our local.
Describes the last reason the container was in the terminated state. In Prometheus, we can use kube_pod_container_status_last_terminated_reason{reason="OOMKilled"} to filter the OOMKilled metrics and build the graph. However, as Guide to OOMKill Alerting in Kubernetes Clusters said, this metric...
In some Kubernetes clusters (microk8s), the default Storage Class simply creates hostPath volumes, which are not explicitly tied to a particular node. In a multi-node cluster, this can create an issue when the pod is terminated and rescheduled on a different node, "leaving" all the persistent...
Monitoring Containers in Kubernetes Kubernetes takes the idea of container orchestration to the next level. It is an extensive system that manages a set of cluster nodes, with each node acting as a server for hosting multiple pods. Each pod can contain one or more containers running together. ...
design and requirements so that you cancollaborate with the network teambetter. For example, When I was working with kubernetes setup on Google Cloud, we used a CIDR pod range that was not routable in the corporate network. As a workaround, we had to deploy IP masquerading for the pod ...
To be able to mount a device in Kubernetes, you first have to create a Device Plugin and then use that in the pod spec. Here is an example of a Device Plugin for/dev/fuse:https://github.com/kuberenetes-learning-group/fuse-device-plugin/blob/main/fuse-device-plugin-k8s-1.16.yml. ...