Ocean Fishing is the outlier here. It might not be as popular as the day it launched, when everyone rushed for its unique mount rewards, but it’s still by far the most efficient way toquickly level grind to level 80fishing. Even without an objective in mind, it’s a timeless Hydaelyn...
While it can be hard to know where to get all of the Dawntrail mounts, here is a list for the collectors out there who wish to grab the new mounts as early as possible! First of all, while this news will not contain any spoilers, if you do not wish to kn
unlocking the new 5.21 Diadem should be as simple as talking to Aurvael at the left-most tent as you enter The Firmament. He’ll give you the low-down, tell you how to work the new Aetheromatic Auger, and send you on your way. From then on, just talk to him...
something we touch on a bit in ourFFXIV beginner’s guide. This way, you’ll level up and experience the game and its locations as the developers intended. It won’t be a fast journey, but you’ll have to complete the main quests to do the top-tier...