NET START <My Service> 使用资源工具包中的Sc.exe实用工具。 在 MS-DOS 命令提示符下键入以下命令: 控制台 <path>\Sc.exe start <My Service> 其中<路径>是 Windows NT 资源工具包的驱动器和目录(例如)。C:\Reskit 有关安装和删除用户定义的服务的详细信息,请参阅随 Windows NT 资源工具包实用工具(例如...
How does MS-DOS work? MS-DOS uses a command line interface which allows you to type in commands or execute programs by typing in your names or numbers. This means that you have direct access to the computer’s hardware, memory and all files stored on the diskettes or hard drive. You ...
ms-dos (which stands for microsoft disk operating system) is an operating system which first came out in 1981 and was designed to run on pc compatible computers. it was primarily used as the main operating system on pcs until 1995, when windows 95 overtook it as the most popular os of ...
you’re ready to start exploring your system files. The details of the Linux directory structure are outlined in the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, or FHS (, but a brief walkthrough should suffice for now ...
There are three components to this message: 这个消息包含三个组成部分: o The program name, ls. Some programs omit this identifying information, which can be annoying when writing shell scripts, but it’s not really a big deal. o The filename, /dsafsda, which is a more specific piece of...
Click Start, click Run, type notepad.exe in the Open box, and then click OK. Copy the following text including the trailing hyphen after "schemaUpdateNow: 1" to Notepad. dn: CN=ms-Exch-Assistant-Name,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=X changetype: Modify replace:LDAPDisplayName LDAP...
Click Start, click Run, type notepad.exe in the Open box, and then click OK. Copy the following text including the trailing hyphen after "schemaUpdateNow: 1" to Notepad. dn: CN=ms-Exch-Assistant-Name,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=X changetype: Modify replace:LDAPDisplayName LDAPDisplayName...
how to start/stop multiple services in a remote machine How to stop getting prompted to "Confirm" How to store the value of a cmdlet result into a variable How to summarize duplicates and calculate the count How to suppress exit code 0? How to switch current user in the Powershell? how...
Clicking link in MS Word 2010 receives error "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator" ClickOnce application does not start from from desktop shortcut but start from a command line ClickOnce Application installation Cl...
If you’ve worked with MS-DOS previously, you can think of shell scripts as very powerful .BAT files. Because they’re important, Chapter 11 is devoted entirely to shell scripts. 许多系统的重要部分实际上是Shell脚本——包含一系列Shell命令的文本文件。