To access Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and OneDrive, do the following: Open the browser on your Chromebook and go For quick access, create a shortcut, or bookmark the URL in your browser. Sign in with your personal Microsoft Account or any acco...
在 [屬性] 視窗中選取 [Condition] 屬性,並輸入 MDACSEARCH>="2.8"。 選取[Message] 屬性,輸入「安裝此應用程式前必須先安裝 MDAC 2.8 (含) 以上版本。您可以從 Microsoft 網站安裝 MDAC」。
如果資料庫需要,請輸入登入資訊。如需詳細資訊,請參閱新增/修改連接 (Microsoft Access)。 按一下 [確定],再按 [下一步]。 選取[是],即可將 .mdb 檔複製到專案中;或是選取 [否],連接到目前位置中的資料庫檔案。如需詳細資訊,請參閱HOW TO:管理專案中的本機資料檔。
To manually start a service from Server Explorer InServer Explorer, add the server you want if it is not already listed. For more information, seeHow to: Access and Initialize Server Explorer/Database Explorer. Note TheServersnode ofServer Exploreris not available in the Standard Edition of Vis...
Where can users with work or school accounts access Clipchamp? There are several entry points to launch Clipchamp. Some are available now; others will get added over time. Microsoft 365 App Launcher, Clipchamp start pagein Microsoft 365 for the web, ...
Microsoft Silverlight will reach end of support after October 2021. Learn more.Trusted applications can access System.IO and related types that are otherwise unavailable. This enables you to access user files directly without using the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog classes. However, in...
When you first accessServer Explorer/Database Explorer, the window appears on the left edge of the development environment. Clicking the tack icon retracts the window into a tab on the left margin. Select the tab to expand the window. After you select the tab to view the window, it automat...
Though Microsoft’s OS has checks and balances, it’s still common to find yourself in dire straights. Windows 10 advanced startup options provide a way to repair, restore, or recover your software no matter the circumstances. We’re going to show you exactly how to access those boot option...
2. Access the Startup Folder using Run 1. Press theWindowskey + R hotkey to open the Run dialog. 2. To open the Admin User Startup folder, entershell:startupin the text box. 3.To open the All Users Startup folder, entershell:common startupin the text box. ...
accepted security practices are not able to adequately protect this information any longer. A person may have access to a document, but you may not want this person to be able to save it to the external storage devices. Controlling how a document can be handled is a key element of RMS, ...