X-post (cross post):Sharing a post from one subreddit to another by submitting the URL of the original submission on Reddit and adding to the title that it’s an “X-post from [original subreddit].” This is considered the proper way to share something across multiple subreddits. Repost...
No need to waste those precious seconds when you could be improving your language skills! 13. Plan Out Your Watch-and-Learn Sessions It’s easy to start watching a movie or show with the intention of learning a language, but actually making it an educational experience takes a bit more ...
Discord servers, subreddits, and Steam groups also serve as prime recruitment grounds for amateur teams. Learning to play well with others is required for team-based games like CS:GO and Dota 2. So find a role that you like and a group of players that you gel with. But even for solo...
➞ German – 4.3%➞ French – 4.2%➞ Japanese – 3.6%➞ Turkish – 2.4%➞ Portuguese – 2.3% Share on: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Pinterest Share on LinkedIn Share via Email ↑ Scroll to top Chapter 11 What Was the First Website? How many websites...
To start, this time I got assigned to work the precinct where I’d normally vote in person, shortening my commute to a quick walk and allowing me to sleep in all the way until 4:30 a.m. But Tuesday’s Democratic primary election was also the first one run by a locality in Virginia...
The best of National Geographic delivered to your inbox Sign up for more inspiring photos, stories, and special offers from National Geographic.Sign Up Legal Terms of Use Privacy Policy Interest-Based Ads Our Sites Nat Geo Home Attend a Live Event Book a Trip Buy Maps Inspire Your Kids Shop...
Do you know thatChatGPT, the chatbot that is making waves all over the internet because of how well it can communicate, read Reddit threads to teach itself language? Forums likeReddit,QuoraandYahoo Answerscontain English in its most natural forms, as it is all written casually by native speak...
The more you have, the better your chance of success. Only a fraction will be interested and take an active part in whatever you try to start. Don't be frustrated. It’s always like that.\n\n Tip 3: One systematic method for collecting contact information for intere...
System design topics: start here New to system design? First, you'll need a basic understanding of common principles, learning about what they are, how they are used, and their pros and cons. Step 1: Review the scalability video lecture Scalability Lecture at Harvard Topics covered: Vertical...
What to Consider Before You Start Learning Mandarin Chinese? Here are some key factors to consider before you start your Chinese language journey: Prior Language Experience If you’ve studied another second language before, especially one that is linguistically distant from English (such as Japanese ...