composer create-project--prefer-dist laravel/laravel my-first-app In the above command replace your project name frommy-first-app. Here, this is the project name that I am going to create in this post. Create Laravel Project This will take some time to install the dependencies, libraries fi...
Laravel can work with multiple databases like MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, ...If you wish to run with MySQL, to be able to work with the command prompt, be sure to add the folder in the PATH variable under Windows:When in the path, to connect on MySQL, just run:...
It’s important to follow each phase in sequence. You need to do research before you can start to design, and you need to design before you can start building. How to Make An App: a 10-Step Process to Follow It can be a long and difficult process to build an app, particularly if ...
To resolve this, enableextension=fileinfoin yourphp.inifile. Source Code
Here’s how to add Composer to your development environment on Windows, Linux, and macOS and how to deploy a Composer-based PHP application on a hosting platform like Kinsta’s. What Is Composer? Composeris responsible for managing libraries on a per-project basis. It can be installed directl...
You need a clean Windows installation to start again. Continue reading“How to Install Windows 10 – Quick Tutorial” Building a Laravel 8 Application: Routes and Views In this post, we start building a Laravel 8 Application just created. You can follow the tutorialCreate a Laravel 8 applicatio...
php composer.phar create-project--prefer-dist laravel/laravel new_project new_projectis your laravel project name, so how to run it? first go in your project root directory by this commandcd new_project then after write following command for run youe laravel project. ...
> Execute the PHP script in the terminal. php reader.php Source Code
\\n \\\"projectManager.openInNewWindowWhenClickingInStatusBar\\\": true,\\n \\\"errorLens.gutterIconsEnabled\\\": false,\\n \\\"errorLens.statusBarColorsEnabled\\\": true,\\n \\\"errorLens.statusBarMessageEnabled\\\": true,\\n \\\"errorLens.statusBarMessageType\\\": \\\"...
Next, create a Laravel project on yourlocal machine: composercreate-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravellaravel-app"5.5.*" Copy You have installed all the required software on your local machine. With that in place, we will move on to creating a Git repository for the application. ...